30 November 2023

Üsküdar University Quality Commission meeting was held...

University Quality Commission meeting was held on 27.11.2023 in the Senate Hall under the chairmanship of our Rector Prof. Dr. Nazife Güngör with the participation of Faculty/Institute/MYO Deans and Directors.

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Nazife Güngör and Rector Advisor/Quality Director Serdar Karagöz informed the commission members on the 2022-2023 Academic Year Department/Program Self-Assessment Reports, Process Flow Diagrams, Policies, Peer Review, PDCA studies and 2024-2028 Strategic Plan.

Our commission members evaluated the current situation of our University and shared ideas on how to prepare our Strategic Plan in the strongest way in the next five years.

Üsküdar University continues to carry out its activities by aiming to strengthen the foundations of its Strategic Plan in line with its mission, vision, policies and stakeholder views, and to move forward with measurable goals.