19 October 2023

Academic and Administrative Quality Officers / Academic and Administrative Quality Ambassadors

Institute of Addiction and Forensic SciencesAssoc. Prof. Dr. Aylin YALÇIN SARIBEY
Faculty of DentistryProf. Dr. Ergun YÜCEL
Institute of Science and TechnologyProf. Dr. Mesut KARAHAN
Faculty of CommunicationProf. Dr. Nazife GÜNGÖR
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesProf. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Nihan KALKANDELER ÖZDİN
Faculty of Engineering and Natural SciencesAssoc. Prof. Dr. Aylin YALÇIN SARIBEY
Institute of Health SciencesProf. Dr. Türker Tekin ERGÜZEL
Faculty of Health SciencesProf. Dr. Lecturer Member Aydan Akkurt YALÇINTÜRK
Vocational School of Health ServicesProf. Dr. Lecturer. Member Öznur KARAOĞLU
Institute of Social SciencesProf. Dr. Lecturer Member Selami Varol ÜLKER
Institute of Sufi StudiesProf. Dr. Elif ERHAN
Faculty of MedicineProf. Dr. Haydar SUR

Department of Information TechnologiesMurat GÜLŞEN
Department of Digital Technologies and SoftwareHakan ÖZDEMİR
Quality DirectorateSerdar KARAGÖZ
Career Center DepartmentRemziye ÇOPUR
Department of Corporate CommunicationsNur AKMAN
Department of Library and DocumentationSinan EKER
Department of Financial AffairsÜmit DASDEMIR
Department of Student AffairsSerkan KİŞİN
Department of PersonnelMujahid ALTAN
Department of Health, Culture and SportsÖzcan DEMİR
Department of Purchasing and Administrative AffairsAli ALBAYRAK
Strategy Development DepartmentAyşe ÖZTÜRK
Department of International RelationsPeyman JAFERI
Department of Construction and Technical AffairsAyhan ÇAVDARCI
Department of Registry and ArchivesBerna MUTLU