08 June 2023

"Sustainable Volunteering Ambassadors" Workshop organized

"Sustainable Volunteering Ambassadors" Workshop was organized in cooperation with Üsküdar University, Turkish Red Crescent, Haydi Tut Elimi Association and Volunteering Ambassadors Silent Goodnesses Platform. Üsküdar University Founding Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Üsküdar University Founding Rector Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, ÖYEMER Director Halide İncekara, Prof. Dr. Nazif Gürdoğan, as well as Üsküdar University academics and managers of various foundations and NGOs attended the program, which was also supported by Üsküdar Municipality and Üsküdar District Governorship.

In the workshop, the topics of 'Volunteering', 'Sustainable Volunteering', 'Volunteers in numbers or volunteers who are effective and competent?' 'What should be the methods for motivating volunteers?' were discussed.